Practice Information
Phoning my doctor
During consultation hours, doctors prefer not to receive phone calls for non-urgent matters. For routine matters please leave a message with the receptionists and your doctor will return your call at a later time. If the matter is complex, a consultation may be more appropriate.
Repeat prescriptions and referrals
We ask that you make an appointment with your doctor to obtain repeat prescriptions or referrals. This enables us to monitor your health and fulfil our ethical and legal responsibilities. In the case of referrals it allows our doctors to update any medical information for the specialist and to check on the need to see the specialist. Please note that it is not permissible for your doctor to issue back dated referrals, so please ensure you have a referral prior to your specialist appointment.
There is a small fee $10 for scripts and $15 for referrals requested over the phone.
If you have NOT seen your doctor in the last three months you will be asked to make an appointment to see a doctor. This is in the interest of your health and wellbeing.
Medical certificates
Your doctor will need to see you in order to issue a medical certificate for medical conditions requiring time off work. Medical certificates cannot be backdated.
A consultation with the doctor is generally required to receive and discuss pathology/blood test results, and plan any further management. In special circumstances and if agreed to with your doctor, results may be obtained over the phone.
Our email address is only for admin purposes and not for anything medical .
If you require repeat scripts / referrals or results please call reception to organise.
Please note emailed medical information to the practice will be viewed by our practice manager before being passed to the doctors.
Change of Personal Details
Please keep our reception staff informed of any change to your name, address, phone number, health care card, pension or Medicare number.
Interpreter service
The doctors have access to a phone interpreter service. Please advise reception when booking your appointment if this service is required.
Unless you request otherwise, we may place you on a recall system for preventive health checks and other health matters. You may be contacted by phone, mail, or SMS.
Our practice is fully computerised and is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal health information. Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff.
Download our full Patient Privacy Policy.
Davidson Family Medical Practice continuously looks for ways to improve our services to patients. If you have any concerns or suggestions for ways we could improve our facilities or services, please contact our Practice Manager, Lisa, by phone or email:
If you are unhappy or have a complaint regarding any aspect of your care, please discuss the matter with your doctor or with practice staff. If you feel that you are unable to speak to us directly, you may also contact the Health Care Complaints Commission on 1800 043 159.